


likewise : Cinderella was likewise called up to them for advice
→equally, in addition

jeer : you only jeer me
→laugh at with contempt and derision

continually : they were continually at their looking-glass
→in regular or repeated succession, very often

contemplate : attentive was everyone to contemplate the singular beauties of the unknown new-comer
→look at thoughtfully , observe deep in thought

courtesy : she immediately made a courtesy to the company
→good manner

magnificently : but dressed more magnificently than before
→extremely well

1 件のコメント:

  1. Good work!

    "Likewise" means "in a similar way." A wonder where you found the definition "equally, in addition."

    The word "curtsey"; is sometimes spelled "courtesey". How is this word pronounced in the audio? Click here and here for more information and pictures of girls curtseying.
