snappy : This famous tale is short but very snappy!
→a snappy title or phrase is short, clear, and often funny
mince : He doesn't mince his words at the end.
→to say exactly what you think, even if this might offend people
→showing no desire to be noticed or given special treatment
→pleased with a situation,especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things
dote : her grandmother doted on her still more
→to love someone very much, and show this by your action
mill : it is beyond that mill you see there
→a factory
latch : pull the string, and the latch will go up
→a small ,metal or plastic object used to keep a door, gate, or window closed
hoarse : was hoarse, answered
→if you are hoarse, or if your voice is hoarse, you speak in a low rough voice, for example because your throat is sore
stool : put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool
→a seat that has three or four legs, but no back or arms
You are doing well but you forgot to include a couple of the sentences in which you first found words (the sentences that include the words "unassuming" and "complacent"). Also you should have included more of the sentence in which the word "hoarse" was used.